Navigating The Hyundai WebTech System

Introduction / History

The Hyundai Service Technology Website, the key component of which is WebTech, is a online version of the InfoTech Service Information system that Hyundai Dealerships have at their disposal. The database is constantly updated to provide the technicians and DIY Hyundai owners the latest in Technical Service Bulletins (TSB), shop manuals, How To's and schematics for Hyundai models.
At present, Hyundai is the only automaker that allows the use of their technical data open freely to the public.

There are two versions. The Dealer one and the Consumer one. This guide refers to the consumer one.

The following is provided as a guide on navigating/customizing Hyundai Webtech to find information on your specific vehicle the first time you visit it. This way you would be able to search the database more accurately for any specific problem/solution you may be encountering with your vehicle. You can use the following quick access links to sections within this guide.

Quick Access to sections in this guide.
Location, Requirements, Login Access Menu, Login, New Account, Welcome Screen, Site Map Menu, WebTech Service Information,

Hyundai Webtech can be located at the following web address...

There are also several requirements to use the site, which are outlined below...

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
Windows 98/NT/2000/ME/XP
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe SVG Viewer
Macromedia Flash Player

Note: Unfortunately, HMA choose to use coding that only IE can use and thus, other browsers might not work/show the frames/links correctly. You can navigate WebTech without these programs but you will not be able to see all the contents, especially diagrams, pictures, etc. WebTech will NOT work with Firefox.
Accessing the Webtech Interface:
Once you click on the link you will be presented with the Welcome/Login screen.
(Since June 2005, access to the Hyundai WebTech site requires a username and password).

Login Access Menu
To the left of the screen is a menu which has the following listings...

1- Login Takes you to the Welcome login page. (first page you see when you enter the site, see below)
2- Site Requirements Takes you to the page listing the site requirements. (see above)
3- Feedback Takes you to the Website Feedback Form page. (see below)
4- Links Page Takes you to the Hyundai related links page. (see below)

Accessing WebTech is done through the main Welcome page. You log in by entering your username and password in the appropriate textboxes. (If you do not have one, you need to set up a new account, see below).

If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link and you will get the following screen.

Once you enter your email and click on the "Send Password" button, you should be getting your password via email within a few minutes.

New Account:
 If you do not have a username/password, you will need to create one.
1- You should already be at the main Welcome page.
2- Select the "Click Here to register for an account" link. (below the Login button).
    You will then be presented with the following window.

3- Fill in the requested information on the account creation page. Make sure you provide a valid email address which your password will be sent to.
3- Click the "Create Account" button. Your account will be created and you will be getting an email with your password within a few minutes.
4- On the page that comes up, click on the "Back to login page" link.
5- Open another internet window, check for the email from Hyundai.
6- Enter the username and password from the email. (If you do not get the email within a few minutes, click on the "Forgot your password?" link and it will be resent.)
7- Save the email with your password. The password is computer-generated and is hard to remember. Registrants have expressed their concerns over this and Hyundai has stated that they will have a change password option in the future. But for the mean time, save the email with the password.

Welcome screen
Once you have signed on you will be presented with the Welcome screen and menu.

Site Map Menu
 To the left of the Welcome screen is the Welcome Site Map menu.

Here is a brief description of the links available from this navigation bar. The information that is most likely to be useful to owners is marked in light blue.
1- Hyundai Logo Clicking on this or Home anywhere within WebTech will bring you back to the WebTech Welcome page.
2- Service Information This goes to the main technical sections of WebTech, the online version of the InfoTech service information system used by Hyundai Technicians. It is a treasure trove of technical information.
(For more detailed directions on how to navigate the service section, click here.)
3- Home Brings you back to the WebTech Welcome page.
4- My Profile Displays information about your user profile
(cannot change any settings at the present time, although Hyundai has said it will change this in a future upgrade)
5- Site Requirements Describes the necessary tools needed to view the site properly, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, SVG Viewer and Macromedia Flash Player, with links to download them if necessary.
6- Contact Us Goes to the website feedback form.
  Technical Training  
7- Classroom Courses Listing of courses offered by Hyundai to their service employees.
8- Online Courses Here you can view online courses offered to Hyundai service employees. There are courses in Automotive Electrical, Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) and other interesting topics.
9- Course Publications Course materials available for purchase by service employees.
  Scan-Tool Updates  
10- Hi-Scan Updates Updates for the Hyundai Scan Tool. (Service Technicians only)
11- How To Upgrade Instructions on how to update the Hi-Scan software.
12- Latest Software Latest software for the Hi-Scan Tool.
  Tools & Equipment  
13- Hyundai SST The Essential Service Tool survey page outlining the special tools needed to work on Hyundai vehicles.
14- New Dealer Kit Request form to order the Special Tools.
15- Tool Supplier (SPX) Special Tools contact information.
  Hyundai Links  
16- Links Page Links to internal Hyundai related websites.

Familiarizing yourself with the interface:

WebTech Service Information
Once you click on the Service Information link, you will be presented with the following screen. There is a general welcome message to the right of the screen.

The screen is comprised of 4 sections (outlined above)..
1- Contents Menu Section
2- Model Vehicle Section
3- Contents Results Pane
4- Publication Selected Pane
Note: Depending what you select in the Contents (1) will show in the contents pane (3).
The contents selection differ between consumer and dealership view.
Consumer view..

Dealership view

Content Menu Description
1-Select the appropriate tab in the Contents menu section (1)
The available tabs in the Contents section are...

2-Choose your model, year and engine type from the drop down boxes in the Model Vehicle section (2).

3-Search the resulting categories in the Content Results Pane (3).

If searching in the TSB section, the categories are..
Series No Contains info on
00 - General
01 - Recall Bulletins
09 - Special Service Tools
20 - Engine Mechanical
30 - Fuel System
36 - Engine Electrical
40 - Transaxle
50 - Chassis
60 - Body
80 - Trim
90 - Electrical
97 - Climate Control
99 - Paint
Note: The number in the parentheses represents the total number of documents within that category. Also not all Series No. show up in certain models.

4- Clicking on a category expand that section to list the available documents.

5- Click on the document and it shows up in the Publication Selected Pane (4).

Note: You can click on the Hide Contents image to hide the contents and this will allow you to see more of the resulting document.

Document Controls
Within the document pane, there are 4 links as shown below.

These links are..

1- Email Clinking this link will send the present document to you via email.
2- Print Friendly Clinking this link will print the document. It will open up a new window with no navigation bar which is easier to scale and print.
3- Rate Content This is where you would rate the document.
4- Related Content This will search for related articles like the one you are viewing.

Search & Navigation Tips

The above documentation was written by both Santa Fe Forum/ member, twospirits and DFW member Doohickie. We hope you will find the information useful.
While all attempts to present the information as accurate as possible have been taken, if you see any incorrect information, please feel free to contact either one of us with the correction.

This site was last updated 02/20/06